Hector’s Greyhound Rescue

When Philippa finally decided to set up By Philippa Davies, she didn’t just want to make people smile through her work, she also wanted, as a business, to in some way give something back, by supporting charities close to her heart.

Every limited-edition picture created by Philippa, for sale through the online gallery, will be connected to a charity, and the charity will receive £10 from the sale of every edition of that print.

For her very first limited-edition print, ‘Oh Albert’, Philippa has created a stunning, ink drawing, based on her own beautiful Albert, a 4-year-old, black, greyhound cross.

Sighthounds, as they are collectively known, have been a passion of Philippa’s the whole of her adult life, following an encounter as a teenager with a beautiful black greyhound cross called Skittle. Philippa’s first sighthound, a black and white greyhound cross, Charlie, came from an animal rescue centre in North Wales, after being abandoned, and he wasn’t in a good way, very underweight and shut down. As time went by, and he found his feet, he became a very happy and much-loved dog. He was infamous amongst Philippa’s students when she was lecturing, due to his mishaps, and consistent impact on Philippa’s timekeeping, due to his own issues with timekeeping when out on a walk, particularly in the mornings before work. However, the amazing Charlie also loved children, and Philippa’s mum would often take him into learning support units in primary schools due to him having such a positive, calming impact on children who were struggling. When Philippa finally had to say goodbye to Charlie, at the grand old age of 17, despite all his misadventures, he had left such an impression on Philippa, that since Charlie, lurchers and sighthounds have been the only dogs in Philippa’s life, and currently she has Albert and his big brother, 8-year-old Ern, who Philippa re-homed from a difficult situation.